Admissions Quick FAQs

La Purisima Catholic School
11712 North Hewes Street
Orange, CA 92869
Phone: (714) 633-5411
Fax: (714) 633-1588

Frequently Asked Questions About La Purisima Catholic School
and the Application Process

The application process begins in February for the upcoming academic year.

The following is provided for your information only.

Do my children have to be Catholic to attend?

No, although a higher rate of tuition is charged for anyone who is not Catholic. The teachings and traditions of the Catholic Faith are an integral part of the environment in which all students participate.

How do I apply?

  • The process starts in February for the upcoming academic year.
  • Contact the school office at 714-633-5411 to schedule your school tour and start the registration process.

Formal Registration and Acceptance: After all applications have been reviewed by the Principal, screening has been completed, and it is determined that La Purisima Catholic School can meet the needs of the student, available openings will be filled based on the Priority of Admissions Policy as outlined below:

  • For Returning Families: Siblings of currently registered La Purisima Catholic School families have priority.
  • For Families New to La Purisima School: Members of La Purisima Parish are given priority over other new enrollees.

How old must my child be to attend La Purisima Catholic School?

  • To enroll in Preschool, your child must be 3 years old on or before September 1st of the academic year and toilet trained.
  • To enroll in Transitional Kindergarten (TK), your child must be 4 years old on or before September 1st of the academic year.
  • To enroll in Kindergarten (K), your child must be 5 years old on or before September 1st of the academic year.
  • To enroll in First Grade, your child must be 6 years old on or before September 1st of the academic year.

Is there an entrance exam?

No. In order to ensure a smooth transition for all students, the school may conduct a grade level placement/assessment for students entering Kindergarten through 7th Grade. For students entering Kindergarten, a readiness screening may be conducted to determine if a student is ready for our program. The results of all assessments will be factored in admitting and placing new students.

What is the class size?

The maximum class size for TK-8 is 32 students per class, and 24 students with 2 teachers in the Preschool classroom. TK and Kindergarten are assisted by a part-time instructional aide. Parent helpers are encouraged and welcomed.

What time is school?

Supervision of students begins at 7:45 a.m. The school bell rings at 8:00 a.m. and the tardy bell rings at 8:05 a.m. School ends at 3:05 p.m. TK and Kindergarten are both full-day programs (8:00 a.m.- 3:05 p.m.). Preschool is either half-day (8:00 a.m. – noon) or full-day (8:00 a.m. – 3:05 p.m.).

Do you have before and after school care programs?

La Purisima Cavalier Care Program is available after school from 3:15-6:00 PM and 12:15-6:00 PM on Noon-Dismissal days. The program is viewed as a natural extension of the school’s daily program. As such, the program is closed when the school is closed, including holidays, Christmas and Easter break, and summer vacation.

What grades do you offer?

We offer classes for students in grades Preschool through 8th Grade.

Do you offer scholarships, financial assistance or family discounts?

Any family who is in need of tuition assistance is required to complete a FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment Application and Tuition Assistance Application Form.

Where do grade 8 students attend high school once they graduate?

The majority of our graduates attend one of our Diocesan Catholic High Schools while others attend local public schools. Our recent graduates tell us they are prepared for the rigors of high school.

  • Servite High School (boys) in Anaheim
  • Rosary High School (girls) in Fullerton
  • Cornelia Connelly High School (girls) in Anaheim
  • Mater Dei High School (co-ed) in Santa Ana
  • Santa Margarita High School (co-ed) in Rancho Santa Margarita

What is the annual tuition?

Please submit an inquiry to receive information on our tuition and fees.